Thursday, October 24, 2013


Hello! Today I go to talk about my pets.

In my life, I have had few pets, each one few time. They were 3 dogs: Princess, the first, was given to boyfriend’s older sister, when I was 8 years; Pinky, the second, died because a gastroenteritis when I was 10 years, in 2001’s winter. Like it was very sad for me, my parents got Kuky. It arrived at my house 6 months after death of Pinky, in the summer of 2001, but it leave my house and was lost one month later.

But, when I reached 11 years, in January of 2002, I was on holidays in south and when I returned to Santiago, my parents had for me and my sister a beautiful little brown dog, mongrel of dachshund, so nice. It looked like a mouse, fit in my hand. Its name is Simba and lives with me still.

Simba doesn’t do many things. Really, it only eat and sleep, because it is some old now and fat. It love when anyone caress its belly but it’s grumpy with strange people. Now, it have visited many to the vet because its left eye have a conjunctivitis, and now Simba is on a diet and it must to go for a walk everyday.

Well, also I must call to the Ary, the cat of the house. It was finded in the grandmom’s house, in San Carlos, in 2012’s February and we had sad to leave it, so to bring it to Santiago and my mom and sister falled in love for it. It’s a cat very spoilt and for this reason I didn’t love it at first. But it win my love with the time.

They are the most nice. I love them so much.

1 comment:

  1. All your pets have sad ends, but you love them so much : )

    Regards Nicole! I see you
