Sunday, October 20, 2013


To stay in the university has open my eyes respect many thing in the world. Before I never had to preocupate about what a lot of bag I use to buy, but now I really avoid to have bag a bit much, even avoid almost completely to have bag, prefering to use cloth bags.

I was very lier if I would say "I am very concerned about enviroment", but I try to think somethings about it, but still I am a novice in this topic.

I don't recicle, neither in the university, I forgot ever to do it. But, today I try to be more friendly with my enviroment, for example, riding on bike often to go to different places, avoiding public transport; also I try to reuse the white paper, and I am thinking with a friends to built a organic vegetable patch, but now is difficult its.

About my carbon footprint, I declare to be absolutly ignorant. I don't know anything how, because I never had to investigate about it... Well, never is late to learn.

Santiago is a city very careless in this topic. Really few municipality are worried about recicle or take care of damage to world, ever the streets are dirty, the people don't take care anything, throw out litter in every places. Nobody teach to anybody something like enviroment, the most times is individual preocupation about it, for this reason is important take conscience and to work for a better world.