Sunday, October 20, 2013

Best friend

Hi! I will talk about my best friend: she is Francisca. We met us in 2009 at University, because both are classmates in Sociology. In the start, we worked together in a subject and it isn't a very good experience, therefore both promised never more to work together... but the live decided other things.

Francisca and me have a lot of things in common. We are similar in many facets, we complement very good, since our musical likes until the women's rol in the society, each day we discover something in common more, like this I learn from her and she learn from me.

We had to live great experiences together: we had to travel out of the country to Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Mendoza, also we were going to holiday in 2012's summer with my family. Other great experience was when we met to our favorite musical singer, only 10 days ago... still I don't believe it, both were stupefied that day. Really, she and me had to live many amazing moments. But, I believe the better possible experience is get along with her everyday almost like sisters: feel me like one more in her home and I can to confide with her everytime.

See us 1 or 2 times in a week, in the university or in her home, because I go often. Both share many ordinary moments like to cook, to watch TV or to dye our hair.

Well, here there is a collage about us. There are pictures of our travel to Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Mendoza, also Valparaíso; also when we went to hospital together and when we met Ciro Pertusi, love of our lifes.


  1. jajajajja we are the best friends ever. I don't imagine the life without the moment that we live together, definetly my life without you would be such much boring.
    <3 you are the best!

    PD: so sorry, I wrote about Naty, but you know that I love you

  2. jjajajjaj I still laught about the pictures, we met to the ugliest singer ever and later the most beautiful of Argentina xd..

    Adrian y Ciro, greatest guys
