Saturday, August 3, 2013

Food and places

Hello! Today I will talk you about my favorites places to eat. Really, I am not very refined so I eat in wherever, but ever there are some specials places to eat and oneself don't leave them.

My first favorite place is located in San Carlos, in Eighth region, in front of the Square of San Carlos, next to cathedral, firemen and town hall. Its name is Lucerna, and here sell comun food, like cazuela, french fries, rice, meat, fish, but is a confortable place and delicious. Really I like it because ever I go there with my grandmom and sister, is a tradicion.

Other favorite place is La Retuca, because my uncle Federico, when he lived in Quilpué, invited us with my family and all food is very tasty. This place is located in Camino Lo Orozco, KM. 19, Quilpué, in a very hidden site. There makes a Celestinos awesome!

And my last favorite place is Tía Lucy, there there are many big sandwichs and a wonderful made-home mayonnais. This place is located in Maipú and it is open until smalls hours. Is the better place to go for a bajón!


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