Sunday, July 7, 2013


Ever my family had been very traditional and our holidays were in the same places: grandmother's house in San Carlos, Ñuble, or some days in the beach. Nothing uncommon. Until this year. A day I was speaking with the boyfriend of my sister and he invited me to travel to Puerto Montt because his father have a friends there and could host us. I like this idea and I told my father it, and also he like it. In few days all my family was ready to travel to south, because our travel finally included a itinerary from San Carlos, Ñuble, until Chiloé. A very long travel, but we have not long time, so we call on briefly some cities.

In the first day we left San Carlos and went to Laja, Temuco and we arrived at Villarrica and hosted here, knowing its craft fair, square and lake. Second day, we knew Caburgua lake, Eyes of Caburgua and Pucón beach; that night we also hosted in Villarrica. Thirth day, we went to Villarrica Volcano and we go up until volcano's caverns, after we went Lican Ray and we sail Calafquen lake and ate here, later we knew Panguipulli and its lake, and from here we travel to Valdivia and we hosted here that night. Fourth day, we go over Valdivia, Cruces river's wetland, Niebla, its fort and costumbrista fair, Corral fort, Kuntsmann and Salzburg breweries, and Saval park. Fifth day, we visit Fluvial Fair and later we went in direction to La Unión and Osorno, knowing its principals square and Osorno's cathedral; after we arrived at Frutillar and we went over the promenade and lake's theatre, and we went to Llanquihue and Puerto Varas, hosted in that place. Sixth day, we knew Puerto Montt and Angelmó, later we returned at Puerto Varas. Seventh day, we went until Chiloé, we stroll for Ancud, we went at Pingüineras and we arrived at Castro, here we ate and went over for its craft fair a long time. Eighth day, we went at Ensenada and we stayed in the house of a family's friends in the coast of Llanquihue lake until the next day, but before, we went at Petrohué waterfall. In Ensenada really I was fascinated, we had outside of our doors the lake and we could swing all the day there or to stay under the sky looking the stars and moon in calm. Tenth day, we returned at north and arrived San Carlos later a long day of travel from Puerto Varas. I came back Santiago the next day, after 11 days only travelling.

What I enjoy was to know unknown places for me and to eat so much. Travel was very beautiful.