Sunday, June 2, 2013

The need of a strike.

Well, really is very difficult to write about the problems in the education, because is hard to understand all factors are implicated. In Facso, like others facultys, there are many discussions about what we want and need in our professional and academical formation; few times all the students are agree about all: some people want a education to educate us like professionals, other people don't want a education for the laboral market. Really is hard to decide because still we don't know what want from education for the society.

In our faculty the main problems are relacionated with the quality of teaching and the public vocation of the knowledge, and this problems are responded perfectly to the actual system. For this reason we were on strike the last week and we expect to continue in this status. Live us in a society dominate for the market and the idea of to get utilities for each one, forgeting the others, forgeting that all us live in society, not only; to change the way in that society has live the education is the dispute.

In these strike I was a few absent because I work some days in the morning and all fridays, for this reason I arrive late at the faculty and I lose all the activities. Neither I voted because I am in fifth year and almost everybody of my classmates are without subjects, they are doing theirs practice and grade seminary for degree. But I believe that is deeply necessary mobilise us today, the elections are a big defiance for the student and social movements, for to put on the table the real problems of the society and the political class makes something for this situacion sometime!

The benefits in material terms are little today and in the short-term, but to fight for our demands and a new educational model is really important to construct a most equality society. The drawbacks ever are more in individual terms because to remain is not funny, even in my case is complicated because I must to begin my professional practice in second semester and if the strike is long, I don't know when could begin it and to finish my career. But I believe that a few of sacrifice isn't so terrible.

Finally, in our position, to get our demands require of a lot of patience and action, also creativity, but above all patience and action. I don't know that new forms could use, because all the creativity of the world will not get a triumph to the movement.

Well, bye.


  1. Hi there, I do agree this is a crucial year to get politicians to offer real changes.

  2. I'm very sad for my participation in this year :c I wish I get better soon for participate actively in the strike. (I miss the 2011, we did so much that year!)
