Thursday, May 9, 2013

My sociological way.


All my life, I wished to be a teacher because I love to learn and to contribute to the learning of others. But, in 2006, later Penguin Movement, I felt the need of to understand the social problems and how we, the people, could resolve them. In that moment, I thought in to study Political Science, but this career aren’t in the University of Chile, and I want to study here only; because I looked for a career that could approach to study of the political world and, obviusly, the society. And, in this way, I land in the Sociology.

The way in that professionals of my area contribute to society is very questionable. Really, a lot of people enter to Sociology thinking to change the world, including me, and here we crash with the sad reality: the university and the career are institucional structures and to change them are so difficult, it require many effort and time. But, even so there are persons working in this way and not only they investigate about the society, also they are to commit in a politic groups, and I think is from this places that really the changes are generated.

I believe what a profesional in Sociology needs to have above all critical thought to question the reality. And my favourite subject is all about Latin America, Social Movements and Political Thought.



  1. It`s very important to consider the variable "Latin America" in the social investigations!

  2. Now I understand that the profession that do the more important input to change the world is pedagogy, for this reason some day I will be a teacher =)
