Thursday, November 21, 2013

Cousins, animals and heroines

When I was child I watched TV so much, many different TV programme because a kid haven’t responsibilities to achieve. Besides, I lived with my cousins so we stayed hours and more hours in front of TV playing and pretending we were the characters of TV. For this reason I don’t remember a particular TV programme important for me, but more than one was important in my infancy above all the relation with my cousin when we watched TV.

For example, we watched Los trotamúsicos. This cartoon was inspirated in the Grimm Brother’s story “The Bremen’s musicians” and it told about a dog, a cat, a cock and a donkey what oppressed in them lives for different reasons decided to go of them houses and when they met they decided to be happy playing music and to protect to people of robbers of Bremen. There, each one imitated one animal.

Other programme was, obviously, Sailor Moon. It was a cartoon about Serena, a scholar girl who discovers to have magic powers to fight against the darkness and to save the world. She isn’t alone and she must to find her partners, and each one is related with a celestial body like the Moon and planets. In this story, the principal, Serena, is in love of Darien, and both were lovers princes from past lives and a war separated and died them. In this story, also I was a of this heroines, but I don't remeber who.

I like both story because these teach me much about friendship, loyalty and the fights against the bad things.


  1. Ooooh I remember Los Trotamusicos!! was a good program but in some opportunities was a bit boring for me xD . And didn´t like Sailor Moon , never! :(

  2. I watch this shows too... I was Sailor Mercury because I have short hair and was very smart xd
