Thursday, November 28, 2013

Free of braces

Like this week the post is about free topic, I will tell you about my most recently freedom's feeling: my orthodontic treatment finished finally. It started in August of 2010 with my first evaluation in Odontology Clinic of University of Chile, because I treated with a student of orthodontics.

In that ocassion a student was assigned for everyone case. The dentist assigned to me was Miguel Ángel Quijada, or more known like Cofán (who knows why...), who was with me all the treatment, during more of 3 years (UFF! many time!).

Approximately in October of that year, Cofán put the braces on my tooths, only braces on my tooths, without the arc (the real important thing), to I will get used it while removed me 4 molars to started the treatment in all its splendor.

In that way, in December 9th I was introduced in the mystery of the orthodontics with a night honestly terrible. Right, I will not blame only to my dentist because that terrible night wasn't his blame, but yes agravated my suffering in a moment that I had to write a essay for my subject of Epistemology, and it worthed 50% of final mark. And I couldn't concentrated in that moment because the tooths pain was unbearable.

But, I am a survivor. Obviously with the time I started to love my braces, besides the pain everytime is minus. And Cofán really contributed my weel-being, he ever was worried of anything, and with him fun, our sessions were nice times. Really I will miss him.